CIVL UG Student Shines at 10th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics



We are thrilled to congratulate Ms. HUI Yee Lam Elim, an undergraduate student of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Mohamed Salah GHIDAOUI, who came first runner-up for best presentation at the 10th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, held at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, United Kingdom. This achievement is particularly exceptional, considering that she was competing against graduate/PhD students from around the world.

Elim’s project analyzed and experimented with metamaterials to understand the fundamental principles of local resonance and to explore their use in controlling shallow water waves. By employing the transfer matrix method and Blochs Theorem, the project obtained the dispersion relation that describes local resonance. The findings from the project highlighted significant differences in reflection coefficients, confirming the efficacy of local resonance in controlling free surface waves.

Participating in this prestigious international conference was an enlightening experience for an undergraduate. Engaging with a diverse community of researchers and academics dedicated to addressing environmental challenges proved to be both inspiring and educational. Elim says that it was a privilege to have an opportunity to present her project to such a respected audience, and the feedback received has been instrumental in refining her research.

I am truly humbled to have been recognized as the runner-up for best presentation at the conference. To have the chance to represent our institution on the global stage, and to have my research efforts validated in this way is an immense honour.” Most importantly, Elim thanks Prof. Ghidaoui for his invaluable support and mentorship. “I am incredibly fortunate to have such a dedicated and thoughtful advisor.”

Congratulations to Elim for this well-deserved award!





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